Alexandria Technical and Community College (ATCC) institutional policies and procedures are developed or modified when necessary in order to execute the mission, vision, and strategic plan of ATCC, as well as integrating Minnesota State board policies/procedures, state law, federal law, and Higher Learning Commission requirements and standards. Minnesota State Board policy may supersede ATCC institutional policies and procedures.
ATCC maintains a policy and procedure proposal process that informs members of the college community, promotes interaction, and provides employee and student constituent groups the opportunity to express ideas and influence decision-making.
Any college employee or student may initiate a policy or procedure proposal for consideration through the approval structure outlined in 1A.1.1 Policies and Procedures. In matters pertaining to academic areas such as syllabi, common course outlines, and class size maximums, only administration or faculty may submit these proposals through the process outlined in the Policy/Procedure Workflow document.
All committees and departments that are impacted by policy and procedure changes have the opportunity for input on proposed policy, procedure, and guideline changes; however, Minnesota State Board policy may be moved directly to final decision. Authority for final action lies with the ATCC President.
Approved by: College President
Effective Date: 3/20/2024
Next Review Date: March 2027