EDI Strategic Initiative Funds recipients announced
Feb 22, 2023 | 11:27 AM
Recipients of the 2022-2023 EDI Strategic Initiative Funds have been announced totaling $8,786 in funding for campus projects to be completed by June 30, 2023.
- Admissions: In partnership with the University of Minnesota Morris, the Weekend Bus will now stop in Alexandria. This grant will supplement a portion of an Alexandria College student’s expense to and from the Twin Cities during spring semester 2023. Award: $1,000
- Law Enforcement: This award provides funds for Police Training and Education program faculty to attend a Culturally Intelligent Public Safety Educator training in spring 2023. This initiative will focus on increasing self-awareness of cultural values and their impact on teaching and will assist instructors in understanding how to effectively incorporate cultural intelligence into their classroom teaching practices. Award: $1,500
- EDI Committee – Cultural Intelligence Training: This project supports two half-day cultural intelligence workshops for Alexandria College staff. Workshops are grounded in the idea of culture, defining it broadly and helping participants develop their own cultural self-awareness. Award: $3,075
- EDI Committee – Reflection Room: This project focuses on furnishing a reestablished Reflection Room in the 700 building. Grant funds will be used to purchase pillows, plants, mats, artwork and other non-denominational décor to make the reflection space a serene and calming area for students, visitors, and employees. Award: $1,310
- Liberal Arts: This project focuses on developing a student-led podcast titled “Everything Connects to Everything.” The podcast will focus on diversity, and intends to create a more equitable society by sharing stories and experiences of Alexandria College student staff and community members developed by students. Award: $1,901