Alexandria Technical and Community College awarded Hunger Free Campus designation by LeadMN.

May 30, 2024 | 3:41 PM

Alexandria Technical & Community College received the Hunger Free Campus Designation from LeadMN on May 17, 2024. This designation recognizes the impact of Alexandria College's Hunger-Free Task Force and Jennie's Cupboard, an on-campus food shelf exclusively for students.

Alexandria College achieved this recognition through the work of its Hunger-Free Task Force. A team made up of student and staff volunteers who work to alleviate food insecurities on campus. They can do this through Jennie's Cupboard, named in honor of a faculty member who was a staunch advocate for student well-being.

Jennie's Cupboard is stocked with a wide range of food items, from canned goods and pasta to fresh produce and dairy. The food shelf ensures that no student has to choose between their education and their next meal. Students can discreetly access the food shelf without having to provide information about their financial situation or income, removing the stigma often associated with food insecurity.

In addition to Jennie's Cupboard, Alexandria College offers emergency funds to help students overcome unexpected financial hurdles. These funds can be used for rent, car repairs, groceries, gas, and other unforeseen emergencies. By addressing these challenges, the college ensures students can focus on school while elevating financial stressors.

Alexandria College's commitment to supporting its students is unwavering. The college is applying for a grant to further bolster its food pantry, task force, and emergency fund initiatives. The grant will enable the college to expand its services and reach more students in need.

Alexandria College recognizes that none of this would have been possible without the support from the local community. The Legends community has shown support through donations and volunteer efforts. The college is deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to making the Alexandria College campus a hunger-free zone.

If you would like to donate and help, please reach out to Simi Welsch at

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