Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
If a student anticipates a prolonged absence from a program, he or she may benefit from a leave of absence.
Under Federal Title IV, Section 668, relating to federal financial aid, students who have a legitimate reason for an extended absence may request a leave of absence (a temporary interruption in a student's program of study). The Leave of Absence procedure basically freezes potential attendance issues and financial aid payback provisions for the duration of the leave. Some examples of legitimate reasons for which ATCC has granted leave are:
A student must apply in advance for a leave of absence unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.
For a leave of absence to be granted, it has to meet all of the following conditions:
Coursework must be completed in accordance with the terms of the leave request.
The student will not be required to pay any additional charges to the college for the leave period, nor is the student eligible for any additional federal student aid until the student has completed the coursework in which the student was enrolled when the leave of absence was granted.
The student will not be required to repeat any completed class time and coursework.
Courses not approved for a leave of absence will result in the student being withdrawn from the course. If a student is granted a leave of absence but does not return to class or complete required coursework (and does not receive an extended leave) at the end of the leave, the student's withdrawal date will be the first date of the leave. Return of federal funds will then apply as of the first day of the leave. A leave of absence form is attached.
After the leave of absence period ends, whether successfully completed or not, the advisor must notify the Dean of Educational Services in order to complete the process.
Approved by: Leadership Council
Effective Date: 2/3/2021
Next Review Date: February 2024