3.10.2 Class Wait List

Responsible Position

Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs


A wait list becomes available for most courses after a course reaches maximum capacity for registrations. For partnered courses through Distance MN, we have limited seats, and a waitlist will not be available.

If a class is full and a student wants to be placed on the waiting list, the student will add themselves to the wait list through e-Services. The student will receive an automated e-mail to their ATCC email account if an opening becomes available. The e-mail will include the timeframe in which the student must register for the course. If the student misses that registration window, their name will be removed from the wait list. The automated waiting list will remain active until the term begins.

Beginning with the first day of the semester, students will not be able to add themselves to the waiting list. At that time, admission into a filled class will be based on late openings or instructor permission.

Please note that students will still need to meet pre-requisite guidelines in order to register for the course they have waitlisted.

Related ATCC Documents:


Approved by: Leadership Council

Effective Date: 4/6/2021

Next Review Date: April 2024

Archive: 3.5.5 Class Waiting List