English Transfer Pathway Curriculum

The curriculum below is the most current information available. To browse curriculum from the current academic year and past years, please view our Academic Catalogs. If you are a current student with questions about your course requirements, please speak with your advisor or refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS) in eServices.

Click here for course descriptions.

1FallBIOL1450General Biology I45
1FallMNTC Goal 1COMM Course from MnTC Goal 133
1FallENGL1410Composition I33
1FallITEC1445Personal Computer Skills 11
1FallSOCS1400Intro to Sociology33
   Semester Total1415
2SprBIOL1430People and the Environment33
2SprCHEM1505People and the Environment Lab12
2SprENGL1420Composition II33
2SprENGL1490Introduction to Literary Studies33
2SprGSDV1400Individualized Degree Plan (or CRTL1439)11
2SprPHED ElectiveWellness Elective11
   Semester Total1516
3FallENGL1460Technical Writing33
3FallENGL2405Modern to Contemporary American Literature33
3FallENGL2420Modern World Literature33
3FallMNTC Goal 4Mathematical/Logical Reasoning 44
3FallMNTCMN Transfer Curriculum Elective33
   Semester Total1616
4SprENGL1453Multicultural American Literature33
4SprENGL1465Creative Writing33
4SprENGL1495Environmental Literature33
4SprHIST1401US History to 187733
4SprMNTCMN Transfer Curriculum Elective33
   Semester Total1515
   Program Total6062

AA Degrees must have general courses from all 10 goal areas of the MN Transfer Curriculum.

Visit with advisor or refer to Degree Audit Report for elective options.

This course sequence is an example.