2.6.3 Mascot

Responsible Position

Athletic Director


Minnesota State Board Policy


Students or other college-affiliated individuals are allowed to request permission to wear the mascot uniform during college sponsored events.

Approval of Mascot Uniforms
  1. The requestor submits an online request form eight business days before an event.
  2. The Athletic Director, the requestee, receives the submitted form and will notify the requestor of a decision at least two business days prior to an event.
  3. The approved requestor returns the mascot uniform the next business day, unless a delay is approved in advance.

If there are multiple requests for the same event or when multiple events occur at the same time, the Athletic Director may consider the following when determining how to proceed:

  1. timeliness of the request,
  2. history of recent requests or mascot recurrence for a particular sport,
  3. the significance of the event, such as a playoff, tournament, or championship appearance, and
  4. the anticipated number of spectators attending the event.

All individuals who represent the college by wearing the mascot uniform are subject to all college policies and local, state, and federal rules and laws. Furthermore, the Athletic Director and college administrators reserve the right to immediately suspend an individual’s mascot approval due to any inappropriate or questionable behavior exhibited by the individual.