2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

Current tuition & fees per credit.
Type Tuition per Credit Fee per Credit
On Campus Tuition: $182.61/credit Fees: $25.28/credit
Online Course Tuition: $211.55/credit Fees: $14.59/credit
Online Course Tuition,
Partner College
Rates vary  

(online courses cost the same no matter where you live)

Even though ATCC does not have an out-of-state/non-resident tuition rate, individual courses may have different tuition rates.

Please Note: Tuition and fees are determined each year by the Minnesota State Board of Trustees.

Behavioral Health & Human Services Estimated Costs

Program Total

Credits: 64
(41 ATCC Credits + 23 Partner College credits)

Books: $1200.00

Book estimates are based on highest cost option, in new condition. Prices vary based on availability and selection of new, used, ebooks, or rental options.

Course Fees: $42.00

Other: $0.00

Other can include but is not limited to: tools, uniforms, required laptop leases, etc.

Total Costs: Total costs will vary depending on whether registered courses are offered online or on campus. Some courses are offered exclusively online or on campus.

The calculation provided is an estimated cost. Actual total costs will vary due to course fees, books, and additional college-related materials. This estimated cost is provided to assist you in your initial educational planning. It is not a guarantee by the college. Please see our Estimated Cost of Attendance.